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FlakeHubPublishing your flakes

Publishing your flakes to FlakeHub

You can only publish flakes to FlakeHub from a trusted platform; you can’t publish flakes in an ad-hoc way from your own machine. We currently support two platforms:

GitHub Actions

On GitHub Actions, you can publish your flakes to FlakeHub using the flakehub-push Action.

We recommend using FlakeHub’s flake publishing wizard as a quickstart.

GitLab CI

On GitLab CI, you can publish your flakes to FlakeHub using the flakehub-push component.

Suggestions for your flake’s README

While it’s totally up to you what you put in your README, we recommend something along these lines:

# Use as a flake
Add `YourFlakeName` to your `flake.nix`:
  inputs.YourFlakeName.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/YourOrgName/YourFlakeName/*.tar.gz";
  outputs = { self, YourFlakeName }: {
    # Use in your outputs

Notice the badge from shields.io and the example flake.nix file.

Flake metadata

DescriptionThe description field of the flake.nix.
LicenseRead from the GitHub API. Overridden by the spdx-expression option.
NameRead from the ambient environment. Overridden via the name option.
READMERead from README.md in the root of the flake.
TagRead from the ambient environment. Overridden via the tag option.
RollingRelease version numbers. Rolling releases are 0.[rolling-minor].[commit-count], where the commit count comes from the GitHub API.
LabelsRead from the repo’s GitHub topics. Additional labels can be set with the extra-labels option.


the directory of your flake (useful for subflakes)
flakehub-push automatically uses the GitHub repo's topics as labels. This extra-labels parameter enables you to add extra labels beyond that as a comma-separated string. Only alphanumeric characters and hyphens are allowed in labels and the maximum length of labels is 50 characters. You can specify a maximum of 20 extra labels, and have a maximum of 25 labels, including those that we retrieve from GitHub. Any labels after the 25th will be ignored.
Run a version of the flakehub-push binary from somewhere already on disk. Conflicts with all other flakehub-push-* options.
The branch of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other flakehub-push-* options.
The PR of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other flakehub-push-* options.
The revision of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other flakehub-push-* options.
The tag of flakehub-push to use. Conflicts with all other flakehub-push-* options.
A URL pointing to a flakehub-push binary. Overrides all other flakehub-push-* options.
the git root of your flake
A GitHub token for making authenticated GitHub API requests
${{ github.token }}
The FlakeHub server to use
A list of Tracing directives, comma separated, -s replaced with _ (such as nix_installer=trace, see https://docs.rs/tracing-subscriber/latest/tracing_subscriber/filter/struct.EnvFilter.html#directives)
The logger to use for install (options are pretty, json, full, compact)
If the repository is mirrored via DeterminateSystems' mirror functionality. This is only usable by DeterminateSystems.
The actual GitHub repository containing your flake. In the format of OrgName/RepoName.
${{ github.repository }}
For untagged releases, use a rolling versioning scheme. When this is enabled, the default versioning scheme is 0.1.[commit count]+rev-[git sha]. To customize the SemVer minor version, set the rolling-minor option.
Specify the SemVer minor version of your rolling releases. All releases will follow the versioning scheme '0.[rolling-minor].[commit count]+rev-[git sha]'
A valid SPDX license expression. This will be used in place of what GitHub claims your repository's spdxIdentifier is.
example: v0.1.1
The name of your published flake. In the format of OrgName/RepoName. OrgName must match your organization's GitHub root name or the publish will fail.
public, private, or unlisted