GuidesOnboarding with Entra

Onboarding with Microsoft Entra

If you’d like to use Microsoft Entra for user authentication, follow the steps in this guide but only after you’ve registered the FlakeHub GitHub app with your org and before you’ve signed up for a paid plan. You can only complete the actions in this guide if you are an admin of your FlakeHub organization.

Provide Determinate Systems with Entra information

First, you’ll need to send two bits of information to

  1. Your Entra tenant ID.
  2. The name of the FlakeHub organization associated with your Entra account.

We will get back to you as soon as possible; you can move on to the next steps once we do, but not before then.

Log in with Entra

Now, you need to do two things:

  1. Log out of FlakeHub.
  2. Log back in to FlakeHub using Entra. This creates a new FlakeHub user for your Entra identity.

Log in with GitHub

Now, two more login/logout steps:

  1. Log out of FlakeHub.
  2. Log back in to FlakeHub using GitHub this time.

You should now have two different FlakeHub users, one for Entra and one for GitHub. Navigate to the member settings tab for your org at a URL of this form (substituting :org for your FlakeHub org):

In that interface, under Organization members, grant the Entra user account Admin privileges by clicking the Promote for the user and confirming the promotion in the modal that pops up.

Manage your organization

At this point, you and your organization are all ready to go! You can log in via Entra and administer your FlakeHub org as you wish.

You can also return to the organization setup guide where you left off by setting up a paid plan with FlakeHub.